
Stop by Markowicz Fine Art to see beautiful and fun oil on canvas paintings by Spanish artist Eva Armisén!

Eva Armisén, a Barcelona-based artist, is celebrated for her unique ability to elevate the everyday into the extraordinary. With a Fine Arts degree from the University of Barcelona and advanced studies at the Rietveld Akademie in Amsterdam, she combines painting and engraving with a distinctive vision. Her work, characterized by a vibrant and optimistic lens, has captivated audiences worldwide, from Seoul and Los Angeles to Melbourne and Singapore.

Armisén’s diverse portfolio spans public art, advertising, film, and editorial projects, reflecting her adaptability and creative reach. Her notable contributions include illustrating Mom is a Haenyeo and supporting the Haenyeo women’s candidacy for Intangible Heritage of Humanity.

Head over to Markowicz Fine Art to see more of Eva Armisén’s incredible paintings!

Click here for more information.

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