
Markowicz Fine Art Welcomes New Artist, JD Miller!

JD Miller has been painting for over 25 years. Upon finding oil-painting, JD recalls it as a clear moment of realizing his true calling. Since then, he has been perfecting his style of 3-dimensional oil, from his first painting translations of classical works by artists like Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, and Paul Gaugin to the creation and evolution of his own style. Miller imbues his prismatic work with a spirit of positive energy, love, peace, and joy as a fulfillment of his Reflectionist philosophy. Within Reflectionism, Miller calls upon the universal vibrations of light and sound to flow through him to allow for the molding of oil paint, a unique process that distinguishes him from other artists. Miller creates impactful, strong, enlivening canvases that take their viewers on an existential journey.

The painting shown above is titled “Midnight Garden III.” The inspiration for the “Midnight Garden” series began when a collector asked the artist to create a classic flower painting but with a twist. In his floral paintings, JD typically starts with either a neutral or bright background. After completing the first painting with a black background, he was pleasantly surprised to see how dramatically the bold colors of the flowers popped. After the successful execution of that first painting, he decided to run with the inspiration and created a new series of vibrant flowers on rich dark backgrounds.

Stop by Markowicz Fine Art to see “Midnight Garden III” and other new 3-Dimensional oil paintings from JD Miller!

Click here for more information.

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