ASID’S General Meeting at Ergo Bedroom

ASID February General Meeting
By Michele Prata, Allied ASID, Program Chair Leader
Our second General Meeting of the year for incoming Board and President Deirdre Eagles was held from 6-9pm at Ergo in Laguna Design Center where we were treated to a Greek buffet of falafel, salad, bread & wine ending with dessert. There was plenty of room for mixing with over 75 fellow members in this intimate showroom of luxurious bed displays with low lighting and sounds of the forest before being seated to hear the evening’s CEU topic.
Deirdre Eagles made announcements for our upcoming Trade Show at The Hangar in Costa Mesa on the 19th of March and asked our membership to attend this successful event of many industry partner exhibits, food and CEU! Then past president Marianne Kreter announced COPP’s first “fun”-draiser of the year to be held on March 6th with a fun and informative Bus Tour to Cambria in Palm Desert with breakfast starting out at LDC’s Visitor center and lunch and Quartz Surfaces CEU in the desert. Owner Michael Nermon spoke briefly about his Ergo showroom of European standard product lines of specialty sleep beds, recliners and pillows available. “Sleep…it refreshes us like nothing else!” Then Alix introduced our speaker Jacyln Giuliano from Herman Miller for our evening’s educational CEU topic called “Everything Matters on Sustainability” with informative case studies for an easy understanding to take with us.
We’d like to give a very special thanks to Ergo and Michael and Josh Nermon and the staff for their generous hospitality and sponsoring the evening’s dining and luxurious raffle prizes including a Natural Pillow, gel pillows and a bed topper won by some of our lucky members including Maria Deganis! Congratulations on winning! Once again thanks to Kerry Anderson of Audio Visions for setting up the AV equipment for our speaker.